The Parent-Teacher Organization exists at the discretion of the Pastor and Principal for the purpose of assisting the school with community building and stewardship efforts; improving the school environment; and enhancing the student experience. The PTO plans social activities for school families and coordinates volunteer efforts for both in and out of school activities. In addition, the PTO is called upon to assist with fund-raising efforts.
All parents are members of the PTO and are encouraged to participate in the various educational, fund-raising and volunteer services of PTO. PTO dues are collected in the fall and are used to provide classroom parties, cultural arts assemblies and various activities such as the Ice Cream Social and PTO Fun Day.
The School Advisory Council exists at the discretion of the Pastor and Principal and is designed to be of a strictly consultative nature. The Council is designed to serve as a sounding board to the Principal. When called upon, the Council gives feedback to the Principal and Pastor regarding policy and standards for the school. Matters involving curriculum, personnel, and individual student concerns of a confidential nature are solely at the control of administrators and pastors and are not appropriate topics for school council consideration.