Enrollment Policy:
All potential students are welcome to apply to our school program, but please be aware that the following priorities will apply each year.
1st Priority – Students of families with siblings currently enrolled in K-8
2nd Priority – Curé of Ars parishioners who reside within the established boundary lines
3rd Priority – Curé of Ars parishioners who reside outside the established boundary lines
4th Priority – Non-Parishioners
Parish Boundaries:
North to South – 83rd street to Interstate 435
East to West – State Line to Lamar Avenue
Students who will be 5 years of age before September 1 of the upcoming school year are eligible to attend kindergarten. Kindergarten Readiness Screening will be in February. This is only for students who are new to our building. You will receive a letter in the mail in February after Registration letting you know the screening date and time that has been assigned to your child. You will be provided with a Readiness Screening Packet. Bring your child’s completed screening packet with you on your assigned screening day. The information from the screening packet and the readiness screening day will be used to assist us in making the appropriate educational placement recommendation for your child. Sometime after the screening date, you will receive a letter and/or phone call from one of our kindergarten teachers with the results of the screening.
Junior Kindergarten (JK) classes
Students who will be 5 years of age before September 1 of the upcoming school year may be placed in our JK program based on “developmental readiness”. The JK program is a transitional year for students who meet the age requirement for kindergarten but are not yet emotionally, socially, or academically ready for the pace of kindergarten today.
Only one option.
-- Monday through Friday morning class (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
Pre-Kindergarten (PK) classes
Students who will be 4 years of age before September 1 of the upcoming school year.
There are 2 options.
-- Monday through Friday morning class (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
-- Monday through Friday afternoon class (12:30 PM to 3:20 PM)
Preschool (PS) classes
Students who will be 3 years of age (and toilet trained) before September 1 of the upcoming school year.
There are 3 options.
-- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning class (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
-- Tuesday and Thursday morning class (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
-- Monday thru Friday morning class (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
Preschool Afternoon Extended Care
This program will run from 11:00 - 3:20. The children will eat lunch in the classroom and stay in the afternoon for enrichment activities. Students who are enrolled in a morning class may enroll in Afternoon Extended Care. Please note that students in extended care may be placed in PK4, PK3 or JK classrooms, based on availability. You may choose 2, 3, or 5 days a week. Students will need to bring a sack lunch; milk/juice provided.
Kansas Certificate of Immunization
A record of immunizations on the official Kansas Certification of Immunization form must be presented by all students upon entering any Kansas school for the first time. Every student up to the age of nine years who has not been previously enrolled in the state, prior to admission and attendance, shall present the results of a health assessment to the school office.
Transfer Students
Children who apply for admission to Curé of Ars School by transfer from non-public or public schools will be placed initially on the grade level they would have reached pending evaluation by teachers, guidance personnel, and/or the school Principal. After such evaluations have been completed, the Principal will determine the final grade placement of the child.
Children applying for admission to Curé of Ars School, who have been home schooled, will be evaluated by school personnel for placement. The Principal will make the final decision based upon an interview, student portfolio, achievement tests, or any other informal curriculum assessments administered by the school.
Non-Catholic Students
Students who are not of the Catholic faith are welcome at Curé of Ars School. Our curriculum and activities are designed to teach the Catholic faith, promote the Catholic mission, and support community-building, therefore it is important for all students to participate in all school activities. Non-Catholic students are expected to participate in liturgical and prayer services (with the exception of receiving sacraments which are open only to members of the Catholic faith) and are not exempted from religion/theology class requirements.
Health Assessment
Every student up to the age of nine years who has not been previously enrolled in the state, prior to admission and attendance, shall present the results of a health assessment to the school office.
Classroom Placement Policy
Parent requests for teacher selection are discouraged. Parents may present, in writing to the school office, the strengths and needs of their children. The decision of placement will be based on the professional discretion of the school’s principal in conjunction with teacher input.
Students with Special Needs
Curé of Ars School strives to “Teach all God’s Children.” Parents of children with special needs (academic, physical, behavioral) should contact the Principal to discuss the needs of the child and the available resources, and the possibility of admission to the school. The final admission decision shall be made by the Principal.